Ibiza villas


Ibiza Villas

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Guide to Ibiza characteristics.

Ibiza and Formentera can be described as a real Mediterranean treasure, being small in size but with a favorable geography, and where the climatic conditions are generally very pleasant... the sun is always shining on the Pitiusas islands! Demographically they have quite a special international mixture of people, among whom there is an ambience of tolerance and tranquillity. Recently, these islands have been declared a World Heritage site due to their considerable historical value, beautiful natural spaces and their unique flora and fauna.

The main economic activity in Isla Ibiza is mass tourism, which is concentrated during the summer months. The local agricultural activity has diminished as tourism advances, and ancient Ibicencan farms with their traditional lifestyles are becoming scarce, while natural spaces are increasingly threatened by growing urban development. For this reason, in recent times, efforts are being made to regulate tourism and direct it towards a more sustainable future. Waste recycling and water saving schemes have been proposed, the use of renewable energies is being encouraged, together with improved public transport, off-season tourism and agro-tourism.

These islands are small, but at the same time enjoy a kind of complete miniature world of their own, offering such rich contrasts that provoke in the visitor, a spirit of adventure, which can be orientated towards culture, tradition, nature or the arts.

Guide of Ibiza GEOGRAPHY.

The Pitiusas are the southernmost islands of the Balearics, with an approximate distance to the south of Mallorca of 75 km, and 220 km away from the north of Africa. Eivissa has a surface area of 541 km2 and Formentera of 83 km2. The Pitiusas are surrounded by over 60 small islets, such as s´Espardell, s´Espalmador and Penjats between Ibiza and Formentera, Es Vedrá, Es Vedranell, s´Espartat, Bosc, Bledes and Conillera in the south-west and Tagomago in the north-east which can be viewed from the Ibiza villa rental.

Ibiza spain
This island has over fifty beaches, some with long sand dunes, others hidden away "calas" of great beauty. The Northeast is the most isolated area, with a rugged coastline, making it a favourite amongst rock-climbers. The capital town is Eivissa, where some interesting architectural monuments can be found. Among the most important monuments of Isla Ibiza are the enclave of Dalt Villa, the Necropolis of es Puig des Molins and the Phoenician village of Sa Caleta, all of them declared World Heritage by the Unesco in 1999.

Guide of Ibiza DEMOGRAPHY.

The official population of Isla Ibiza is around 88,076 people, and about 5,553 in Formentera (according to the 2001 census). However, over three and a half million tourists visit the islands every year (mainly English, German and French, in this order), concentrated especially in the months of July and August. This causes heavy demographic pressure, bringing about considerable environmental deterioration.

Guide to Ibiza AGRICULTURE.

Shaping the landscape and people's way of life, agriculture has given the islands, especially Isla Ibiza, a very important natural, historical and cultural baggage. The slow but progressive turn of public interest towards ecological and local products is positively influencing the market for these kinds of goods. The islands do not escape this reality, and there are already a number of dedicated shops, farms and projects.
Presently, and since its constitution in 2002, the Association of Ecological Farmers of Eivissa and Formentera is working with the aim of encouraging ecological agriculture on the islands, training and informing its members and facilitating communication between all those who are involved in ecological agriculture and local administration. They have two types of members: those who have ecological farms registered before the Consell Insular (local Council) and co-operating members, people who are sensitive to these issues and participate with a periodic financial payment.


There are 12 main areas included in the Law for Natural Spaces (LEN) of 1991. In all these areas (classified as Natural Area of Special Interest - ANEI - by said LEN), typical Mediterranean flora and fauna can be found. The pine tree (Pinus halpensis) and the savine (Juniperus phoenicea) are the most common trees, making up an important and significant island biotype, especially in Isla Ibiza where 40% of the land is pine and savine wooded areas.
Even though there are no large mammals, we can find genets (Genetta genetta isabelae), as well as a great variety of birds and, above all, local lizard species which constitute a true natural treasure.
One of the most important ecosystems of the Mediterranean are the oceanic Posidonia fields, since many sea creatures live in these algae. Also the Posidonia plays a fundamental role in the conservation if the coastal ecosystem, and is considered a key indicator as to the environmental quality of the ecosystem it inhabits.
Among the sea life of the Pitiusas we can find multicolored DONCELLAS, relatives of the fish who live in tropical coral reefs, sea anemones, sea peacocks, gilthead shoals or monkfish… Further down there is a different landscape: corals, MILIOBATIDOS, barracudas, ALITANES, mackerels, moray eels, ANTIAS, tuna fish and even DENTONES and perch. On the surface dolphins, flying fish and sea turtles (caretta caretta) can be spotted at times when diving in Ibiza.
Other biotype's present on the islands are the following: beaches, dunes, wetlands, the salt plains (Salinas),the coastland and the islets which are found all along it.
Here follows a briefly explained list of the areas which are distinguished for their conservation and environmental significance:

  • Isla Ibiza.
  1. Es Amunts: Natural Area of Special Interest (ANEI) / Rural Area of Landscape Interest (ARIP) Includes most of the northern half of the island Ibiza and covers the municipalities of Sant Antoni de Portmany and Sant Joan de Labritja where the ibiza villa rental is situated. It is topographically, the highest zone of the island and here it's possible to appreciate the authentic identity of Isla Ibiza, due to the abundance of original farm houses (casas payesas) and people still living and working in the countryside.
    Geographically, it extends from Cala Salada, to Cala San Vicente, the local beach of the Ibiza villa rental. With a coastline which is characterised by its spectacular high cliffs. Actually, the ecologist groups of the islands are asking for its protection and conversion into a natural reserve.
  2. Ses Salines of Eivissa and Formentera: Nature Reserve / Natural Park / Natural Area of Special Interest (ANEI), Special Zone for the Protection of Birds/ Included in the International Ramsar Convention.
    This constitutes the authentic ecologic treasure of the Pitiusas islands, being a paradise for birds. This ecosystem includes salt lakes and swamps which are the product of the exploitation of salt, remounted a long time ago; sandy beaches with savine trees, pine woods and a chain of little islands which separate the salt lakes of Isla Ibiza from those of Formentera. For more information and guided excursions, contact IBANAT - tel: 971 30 14 20.
  3. Cala d´Hort: Natural Park/Area of Special Interest.(ANEI)
    This area covers the zone of Cala d'Hort, Cap Llentrisca and s'Atatalia de Sant Josep, together with the islands of Es Vedra and Es Vedranell.. It has various types of scenery - mountainous areas and a coastline of bays with rocks and some sandy beaches. For more information, or guided tours please contact - IBANAT tel. 971 30 14 20.
  4. Sa Serra Grossa: Natural Area of Special Interest.(ANEI)
    A wooded mountainous area of some 4,360 hectares situated in the interior of Isla Ibiza, which is practically conserved in its natural state.
  5. Es Cap Roig: Area of Special Natural Interest.(ANEI) /Rural Area of Interesting Countryside.(ARIP)
    This covers the little peninsular of Cap Roig, flanked on one side by Cala Boix and on the other side by Pou des Lleó. It also includes the mountains of Sa Talaia de Sant Carles. Rural constructions are conserved in a very good state and the mountains which have become re-covered with pine woodland are interspaced with cultivations to create a beautiful landscape.
  6. Platges de Comte (Cala Conta Beach) and the islands to the West (these form part of the natural park of Cala d'Hort) Natural area of special interest.
    Situated in the municipality of Sant Josep, this is a flat zone, without any significant hills. It's an area where arable fields join together with the Pine trees, the Savine trees, the sandy beaches and low cliffs. The islands are - s´Illa des Bosc (the nearest one), Sa Conillera (the one most far away), s´Espartar and Ses Bledes, (a group of little islands which are furthest away from the coastline).
  7. Ses Feixes: Area of Cultural Interest.
    Together with Ses Salinas, forms the only wet zone of the Pitiusas. It consists of 400.000 m2 adjacent to the Talamanca beach in the municipality of Eivissa.
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